Man, I remember reading this back in day when only Mori's route was out (talking about the now beta/concept chapter) and it immediately got me hooked. Well, I just finished reading all the available chapters for the routes currently out and I have to say, I'm even more hooked than I was before! I love how you can discover different things depending on the route you're playing. The personalities of the ROs are so endearing as well!
Also, just out of curiosity, are Raath, Kazu, and Marcel going to be future love interests? (Ngl, was lowkey crushing on Raath with every route I played... I can make you worse bb <3)
Omg thank you so much for coming back to check out what's changed since those early early days!! For now, Raath, Kazu, and Marcel remain unromanceable but I am considering additional character routes in the future and will keep these guys in mind as potential new ROs based on their general reception and popularity. >:3c It's just a little too early to promise anything for sure!
Very new to this but I love Mori !! Also, Im not sure if we're gonna get to meet Raath yet (havent played through much so far) but I like the upsetting vibe he gives off
Hey! I'm putting together a Monster Boyfriends bundle on Itchio very soon! Are you interested in being part of it? :D If yes, I've got a form right here: Thanks a ton!
Haven't played this just yet, but I wanted to say that I really appreciate you choosing to make it asexual friendly :] while I certainly like looking at pretty people, I definitely do not like getting sexual with them. you're amazing and I know I'll absolutely love playing through this game <3
aaagh thank you so much! I just really wanted people to be able to decline sex scenes without getting "punished" by the narrative. I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum myself so I know how crappy that feels. I hope you enjoy playing!
Yes, you have to complete the sex scene with him at the end of chapter 4 and that should unlock the achievement for you (you can check in the Extras submenu) :3
It surprised me how long it's been since I've returned to the Tri City area! ( how does two years disappear in a blink!!!!) I can't believe the concept chapters were so long ago and that there's so much to devour... I loved spending time with Mori again!!! T_T I love him so dearly.
I wanted to say that the general polish that TCM has gained since its inception is really heartening to see; the UI looks great, the new (to me!) prologue was really well done ( i never stopped giggling over Amir's intro, he's such a diva), and oh my goodnesssssss seeing sprites for Marcello and Raath and Kazu is soooo nice!! And the new CGS!!! It was really cool to see how the stories had morphed from their concept chapter but also built on them?? Mori's new intro in the prologue was so cute... I remember somewhat missing the Pitrats meet-cute but after playing it I think the overall impression is that his narrative feels more refined now!
Rah!!!! I could just go on and on but what I wanted to like, emphasize is that it's so obvious how hard everyone who contributes to Studio Peaches has been working and it really really lit up my face to open it again and return to what feels like such a genuine labour of love. I'm sorry if that's too cheesy?! I just knew I had to - wanted to say something. This VN is something that's had my heart from the beginning and I just wanted to thank you guys again for continuing to share their stories with us.
Also as an um silly aside, I love my Mori body pillow and he's made an excellent backrest while reading the new chapters. XD
oh my god thank you, this was such a wonderful comment to read! I'm so happy you're back to check and see how things have developed over time and even happier to hear that you approve! It's been a wild ride and I'm so so so so lucky to have the support of Atlas on character and CG art plus the help I had getting the GUI updated and implemented, plus we hired on a composer who made some amazing character themes- I'm just super grateful so many people have supported this project from the very beginning like I'm not even sure how to articulate how moving that is ;w;
Thank you so much for checking back in, I can't wait to bring you more and THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THE KS and nabbing that pillowcase!
For now, Marcel is unfortunately undateable (booo) but while I can't make any promises, he's def someone I'll be thinking about if/when I get the chance to make more character routes!
I don't usually leave reviews but I feel like I need to this time, like, the game is AMAZING , the graphics are GORGEOUS, the art is IMPECCABLE, the sound effects are extremely engaging, not to mention the simply perfect script! I have absolutely NOTHING bad about this Otome. And I would also like to praise the inclusion, it's something hard to find, and in all the games I've played, this was without a doubt the best. Thank you very much, team and peach studio, for producing my comfort game :3
(Sorry for the spelling mistakes, English is not my first language)
Oh my god, usually I don't really leave comments on itch, but like I kinda just have to with this VN, because I just finished the 3 Amir chapters and I am HOOKED! Genuinely was giggling and kicking my legs in my head every time I got flirted with. Love the art, writing, themes and cannot wait for the full release (and once I have the time playing through the other routes as well)!
Out of all the not yet finished VNs I've played in recent years this is probably the one I'd be most devastated if it never got finished, so I ambeggingyou to keep up the good work!!! It's so hard to find good dating sims for guys who are into guys, ESPECIALLY ones with monsters in it, so I'm so glad I found this <3
Could anyone help me? I've been trying to download this straight from the app but it always says that no compatible version can be found despite there being a PC zip file. It's so strange. I've played everything but Akello chapter 3 because it allowed me to download via chrome but I'd like to have it on here. Makes life easier. xD
When you say download straight from the app, do you mean the mobile app? If that's the case you'll most likely need to download the mobile/apk version. What device are you trying to play on? :)
Thanks for the clarification, I'll look into this more as I'm not super sure what could be causing the issue. I recently updated the game this weekend (Mori chapter 3 / ver 0.10.0), has there been any luck launching with this update?
no, on my end at least it says no available downloads, but tbh- it's probably not necesaraly a problem on your end, its probably a problem with the itch app since it affects a wide variety of games on it.
Hmm, good to know. Thanks for answering my questions :D I'll keep it in mind going forward and hopefully Itch themselves will have some input on the issue sooner rather than later.
I’m incredibly happy TCM is Ace Friendly! I’m usually not too bothered by adult scenes, but having the option to decline is so thoughtful. I know the adult scenes are a large draw of this game, but sometimes people really do just want Plot
Thank you so much! I'm actually somewhere under the Ace umbrella myself so I wanted to give people a way around the 18+ stuff without punishing the player! It makes me happy to know that people are enjoying the feature! :)
Hey yall. I’m MrLevaux from the curation channel Orgaysis. I was working on my attribution for this game before I uploaded and it seems Atlas’s link to their Instagram is broken. Can someone troubleshoot that so I may credit them and their artwork in my videos’ descriptions?
Hey there, thank you for reaching out! I'm not sure what's going on with their Instagram but here's an active link to their art tumblr:
I'll reach out to them re: their socials and get the credits page updated, I'm not 100% sure what accounts are active/in use for them so it sounds like a great opportunity for an update lol.
Holy Hell this is more amazing than I’d think, so far I really enjoyed it and I can’t help but fell for Mori too…couldn’t wait for more of his story arc to release.
broooooooo i was so obsessed with the original release of this. my obsession is resurfacing. i literally need mori in a disgustingly biblical way. big ups on the sleek new launch, kids. <3
augh thank you SO much!! I love Mori he's just such a nasty little dumpster man but I know he could fix me. I'm so excited you're here for his full story arc things are gonna get So Nasty. <3
Yes, provided there's still interest! I don't know exactly when but I would really love to do more merch or maybe get a storefront going at some point in the future!
THank you so much for reaching out, I forgot to publish a devlog explaining: basically I super underestimated the time it would take to be approved in Steam review and rather than try to publish at the last minute, I've pushed the release date back to June 17. I am waiting on steam to make the change to the date. Sorry about the confusion and thank you for commenting!
Loved all of the characters and the lore too! Mori is definitely my favourite, even though his chapter felt pretty small. Excited to see how the story will go!
I know everybody loves the characters (Akello is my boo <3), but as an artist, what really stood out to me was the background work. Like, everything looks so clean and polished despite this only being a demo. They aren't to bright meaning they don't overshadow the character sprites, yet they still manage to give a certain futuristic urban vibe. They are really well done and show a great eye for detail. I've done plenty of backgrounds, and seen hundreds more, but these are impeccable! Love the work put into the smallest details, so keep it up cause I can't wait to see what the finished product looks like!
I love this game so much! Sadly, I can't get the monster form ending for Akello for some reason. I'll probably have to replay that route a lot to figure it out
I'm a bit confused about what exactly it means by featuring three endings in the individual intro pages as far as I can tell the existing previews are somewhat linear and end with the credits and saying that it's a preview
Thanks for playing! Each concept chapter can end with a different sex scene: getting with the RO in their monster form, their human form, or simply declining to have sex altogether.
I see welp time to download them all again and make sure to get all endings unfortunately I can't keep them on my phone forever simply because of how bad my phone
Ngl I mostly played this to help me decide which character to choose for the tiddie mouse pad 😂 did not help LOL
I liked Amir's story the best but Mori is more personally my type (you had me at "drummer in a punk band") Akello being a slime monster taps into a type I'm not used to seeing a lot, so that'll be a fun and interesting experience.
I loved the BGM too! Especially the way it kicked in at really tense moments. I don't usually pay much attention to BGMs but this one stood out.
lol! Thank you so much for playing! Obviously I love all three of them dearly but Amir's story is especially fun to write. Also, glad you took note of the BGMs, future updates are getting some custom tracks but some of the themes that have already been established will be coming back, too!
super excited to write this review after catching up on the latest demos and here's what I had to happily share:
the character art is GORGEOUS!!! no seriously, I love the diverse features of each of the guys and I'm especially biased towards big gentle bear Akello (he's just my type and I rarely see it so thank u <3)
tired of the typical skinny pretty boy in vns? studio peaches says "here, FEAST!" and hurdle 3 sexy mfs at you
writing is fun, sexy, and the world building established in the demos easily peaked my curiosity (had minor typos but mostly nothing too disrupting)
doesn't hold back on the monster aspect of the guys' appearances and I really appreciate that cause they look super cool
have never broken a bone before but would gladly do so to be tenderly cared for by Akello
Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so happy you enjoyed playing and SO happy you enjoyed Akello, he's such a gentle giant and I'm always on the lookout for characters like that!
I just played through all of these <333 I honestly love all three characters and the worldbuilding and designs. My favorite is def Akello but honestly all three of them won my heart by the end. Really fantastic descriptions and pacing throughout as well. I felt each storyline did a good job of both setting up the character and establishing why would they would be willing to have sex with the protag under the circumstances (obviously the most important plot point).
Very excited to see the final product when it is finished!
Edit: I also have to say, loved the sound track! I just had the game playing in the background while I did work hehe.
Thank you so much for playing! Akello's been picking up a fair number of fans lately and I'm so happy to hear it! There's something about a chill, mature guy like him that makes me totally weak in the knees. Can't wait to bring you more!
OMG, that was so good, Sam - inclusive, super hot and Akello is my new husband ❤️wishlisted on steam, followed you guys on tumblr and I think I need to support your kickstarter.
THANK YOU! The support means so much and goes so far to keep the game moving through development on schedule! I'm super excited for what's coming down the line and can't wait to share more of Akello with you!
I love him so much, I had a lot of fun writing a very gentle/caring character after Mori being a chaotic goblin and Amir being incredibly spiky and dramatic lol!
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my favoritest stinky man
Man, I remember reading this back in day when only Mori's route was out (talking about the now beta/concept chapter) and it immediately got me hooked. Well, I just finished reading all the available chapters for the routes currently out and I have to say, I'm even more hooked than I was before! I love how you can discover different things depending on the route you're playing. The personalities of the ROs are so endearing as well!
Also, just out of curiosity, are Raath, Kazu, and Marcel going to be future love interests? (Ngl, was lowkey crushing on Raath with every route I played... I can make you worse bb <3)
Omg thank you so much for coming back to check out what's changed since those early early days!! For now, Raath, Kazu, and Marcel remain unromanceable but I am considering additional character routes in the future and will keep these guys in mind as potential new ROs based on their general reception and popularity. >:3c It's just a little too early to promise anything for sure!
Very new to this but I love Mori !! Also, Im not sure if we're gonna get to meet Raath yet (havent played through much so far) but I like the upsetting vibe he gives off
Thank you so much for playing! Raath is indeed in the game and set to give off even more Upsetting Stink Vibes by being a feral little weirdo <3
Hey! I'm putting together a Monster Boyfriends bundle on Itchio very soon! Are you interested in being part of it? :D If yes, I've got a form right here: Thanks a ton!
Thanks so much for the interest! :D
Unfortunately, I gotta decline but I'd be more than happy to post about the bundle on my socials once it's live!
Oh sure, thank you! That's very generous, I appreciate it :D
I will try to remember to link the bundle here once it's live!!!
thank you for making this game. i really love it!! im happy this queer otome game existed ♡ im having a gender euphoria playing this
Wow thank you ;w; I'm super happy to hear TCM's been a fun experience, thank you so much for playing!
Haven't played this just yet, but I wanted to say that I really appreciate you choosing to make it asexual friendly :] while I certainly like looking at pretty people, I definitely do not like getting sexual with them. you're amazing and I know I'll absolutely love playing through this game <3
aaagh thank you so much! I just really wanted people to be able to decline sex scenes without getting "punished" by the narrative. I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum myself so I know how crappy that feels. I hope you enjoy playing!
how to get the step on me achievement is it in chapter 4 for amir?
Yes, you have to complete the sex scene with him at the end of chapter 4 and that should unlock the achievement for you (you can check in the Extras submenu) :3
It surprised me how long it's been since I've returned to the Tri City area! ( how does two years disappear in a blink!!!!) I can't believe the concept chapters were so long ago and that there's so much to devour... I loved spending time with Mori again!!! T_T I love him so dearly.
I wanted to say that the general polish that TCM has gained since its inception is really heartening to see; the UI looks great, the new (to me!) prologue was really well done ( i never stopped giggling over Amir's intro, he's such a diva), and oh my goodnesssssss seeing sprites for Marcello and Raath and Kazu is soooo nice!! And the new CGS!!! It was really cool to see how the stories had morphed from their concept chapter but also built on them?? Mori's new intro in the prologue was so cute... I remember somewhat missing the Pitrats meet-cute but after playing it I think the overall impression is that his narrative feels more refined now!
Rah!!!! I could just go on and on but what I wanted to like, emphasize is that it's so obvious how hard everyone who contributes to Studio Peaches has been working and it really really lit up my face to open it again and return to what feels like such a genuine labour of love. I'm sorry if that's too cheesy?! I just knew I had to - wanted to say something. This VN is something that's had my heart from the beginning and I just wanted to thank you guys again for continuing to share their stories with us.
Also as an um silly aside, I love my Mori body pillow and he's made an excellent backrest while reading the new chapters. XD
oh my god thank you, this was such a wonderful comment to read! I'm so happy you're back to check and see how things have developed over time and even happier to hear that you approve! It's been a wild ride and I'm so so so so lucky to have the support of Atlas on character and CG art plus the help I had getting the GUI updated and implemented, plus we hired on a composer who made some amazing character themes- I'm just super grateful so many people have supported this project from the very beginning like I'm not even sure how to articulate how moving that is ;w;
Thank you so much for checking back in, I can't wait to bring you more and THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THE KS and nabbing that pillowcase!
Is Marcel dateable? And I hope some of the guys have... reptilian demon forms of something 😁
For now, Marcel is unfortunately undateable (booo) but while I can't make any promises, he's def someone I'll be thinking about if/when I get the chance to make more character routes!
Thank you! And I do really hope he's dateable in the future. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy the mysteries~
I don't usually leave reviews but I feel like I need to this time, like, the game is AMAZING , the graphics are GORGEOUS, the art is IMPECCABLE, the sound effects are extremely engaging, not to mention the simply perfect script! I have absolutely NOTHING bad about this Otome. And I would also like to praise the inclusion, it's something hard to find, and in all the games I've played, this was without a doubt the best. Thank you very much, team and peach studio, for producing my comfort game :3
(Sorry for the spelling mistakes, English is not my first language)
Thank you so so so much!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it and I can't wait to bring you more! 💜
WHOAH!!! JUST WHOAAAH!!!! Whoah is the only way I can properly express how I feel about the latest update \(゚ー゚\)( ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
Thank you so much!! I had so much fun putting this part together >:3c
Oh my god, usually I don't really leave comments on itch, but like I kinda just have to with this VN, because I just finished the 3 Amir chapters and I am HOOKED! Genuinely was giggling and kicking my legs in my head every time I got flirted with. Love the art, writing, themes and cannot wait for the full release (and once I have the time playing through the other routes as well)!
Out of all the not yet finished VNs I've played in recent years this is probably the one I'd be most devastated if it never got finished, so I am begging you to keep up the good work!!! It's so hard to find good dating sims for guys who are into guys, ESPECIALLY ones with monsters in it, so I'm so glad I found this <3
Thank you so much for playing! I love making TCM and plan to keep trucking along until it's Done!
Never been so excited for an update, and it's on my birthdayy!! LOVE THE GAME SM, keep up the amazing work peaches! >:3
Could anyone help me? I've been trying to download this straight from the app but it always says that no compatible version can be found despite there being a PC zip file.
It's so strange. I've played everything but Akello chapter 3 because it allowed me to download via chrome but I'd like to have it on here. Makes life easier. xD
When you say download straight from the app, do you mean the mobile app? If that's the case you'll most likely need to download the mobile/apk version. What device are you trying to play on? :)
no the PC app, idk why but for a few games certain updates just aren't compatible with the app and can only be downloaded from the web browser.
Thanks for the clarification, I'll look into this more as I'm not super sure what could be causing the issue. I recently updated the game this weekend (Mori chapter 3 / ver 0.10.0), has there been any luck launching with this update?
no, on my end at least it says no available downloads, but tbh- it's probably not necesaraly a problem on your end, its probably a problem with the itch app since it affects a wide variety of games on it.
Hmm, good to know. Thanks for answering my questions :D I'll keep it in mind going forward and hopefully Itch themselves will have some input on the issue sooner rather than later.
Hey, i dont know if this is just my phone but the app wont download for me.
Does anyone have any tips on getting it to download?
I just tested on my samsung and it seems to be working okay, is there any kind of error message you're getting? What kind of device are you using?
Nevermind, it was my storage. We're all good.
Awesome! :D
I’m incredibly happy TCM is Ace Friendly! I’m usually not too bothered by adult scenes, but having the option to decline is so thoughtful. I know the adult scenes are a large draw of this game, but sometimes people really do just want Plot
Thank you so much! I'm actually somewhere under the Ace umbrella myself so I wanted to give people a way around the 18+ stuff without punishing the player! It makes me happy to know that people are enjoying the feature! :)
Looking forward to updates. Mori and Akello just 🥵 and the 6'9'' Kazu - god deym
I am a sucker for big boys unfortunately, had to throw some Large Men in the mix lol <3
Unfortunately? Don't see anything unfortunate about it. Please, continue 😌🙏
<3 <3 <3
Hey yall. I’m MrLevaux from the curation channel Orgaysis. I was working on my attribution for this game before I uploaded and it seems Atlas’s link to their Instagram is broken. Can someone troubleshoot that so I may credit them and their artwork in my videos’ descriptions?
The Tumblr link is also not working for Atlas.
Hey there, thank you for reaching out! I'm not sure what's going on with their Instagram but here's an active link to their art tumblr:
I'll reach out to them re: their socials and get the credits page updated, I'm not 100% sure what accounts are active/in use for them so it sounds like a great opportunity for an update lol.
TY! I’ll go ahead and update the description now.
The wait was def worth it!!!! You guys did such an amazing job! <33
Thank you so much! It's been such a journey lol!
Which route is update 0.5.0?
Akello Chapter 2! :)
Holy Hell this is more amazing than I’d think, so far I really enjoyed it and I can’t help but fell for Mori too…couldn’t wait for more of his story arc to release.
Thanks for playing, I can't wait to bring you more!
broooooooo i was so obsessed with the original release of this. my obsession is resurfacing. i literally need mori in a disgustingly biblical way. big ups on the sleek new launch, kids. <3
augh thank you SO much!! I love Mori he's just such a nasty little dumpster man but I know he could fix me. I'm so excited you're here for his full story arc things are gonna get So Nasty. <3
will there be more merch
Yes, provided there's still interest! I don't know exactly when but I would really love to do more merch or maybe get a storefront going at some point in the future!
well i definitely will be buying, i need to get my hands on mori merch 😭. so excited for that.
Interesting I fuck with it so far... keep up the good work.
Thank so much! >:3c
I can't look at Amir and not think of Duke Laurence from Skeleton Soldier
Not only in design, but in personality too
Oh my god wow! I had to look up Duke Laurence but dang they could be besties and go shopping together!
Now each of my 3 characters can exploring again to monster & mysteries with the hottest trio in TriCity ( horror and romance included ;-) )
Thank you so much for playing! :3
Is this still released today/tomorrow? 👀
Cause on Steam it says release date is May 21 👀
THank you so much for reaching out, I forgot to publish a devlog explaining: basically I super underestimated the time it would take to be approved in Steam review and rather than try to publish at the last minute, I've pushed the release date back to June 17. I am waiting on steam to make the change to the date. Sorry about the confusion and thank you for commenting!
Loved all of the characters and the lore too! Mori is definitely my favourite, even though his chapter felt pretty small. Excited to see how the story will go!
o.o wait is this game out or i am just sleepy XD most likely sleepy
I know everybody loves the characters (Akello is my boo <3), but as an artist, what really stood out to me was the background work. Like, everything looks so clean and polished despite this only being a demo. They aren't to bright meaning they don't overshadow the character sprites, yet they still manage to give a certain futuristic urban vibe. They are really well done and show a great eye for detail. I've done plenty of backgrounds, and seen hundreds more, but these are impeccable! Love the work put into the smallest details, so keep it up cause I can't wait to see what the finished product looks like!
I love this game so much! Sadly, I can't get the monster form ending for Akello for some reason. I'll probably have to replay that route a lot to figure it out
hey, dunno if you already got his monster ending, but here's the official guide from studio peaches :)
I'm a bit confused about what exactly it means by featuring three endings in the individual intro pages as far as I can tell the existing previews are somewhat linear and end with the credits and saying that it's a preview
Thanks for playing! Each concept chapter can end with a different sex scene: getting with the RO in their monster form, their human form, or simply declining to have sex altogether.
I see welp time to download them all again and make sure to get all endings unfortunately I can't keep them on my phone forever simply because of how bad my phone
Ngl I mostly played this to help me decide which character to choose for the tiddie mouse pad 😂 did not help LOL
I liked Amir's story the best but Mori is more personally my type (you had me at "drummer in a punk band") Akello being a slime monster taps into a type I'm not used to seeing a lot, so that'll be a fun and interesting experience.
I loved the BGM too! Especially the way it kicked in at really tense moments. I don't usually pay much attention to BGMs but this one stood out.
Can't wait for the full game!
lol! Thank you so much for playing! Obviously I love all three of them dearly but Amir's story is especially fun to write. Also, glad you took note of the BGMs, future updates are getting some custom tracks but some of the themes that have already been established will be coming back, too!
super excited to write this review after catching up on the latest demos and here's what I had to happily share:
Thank you so much for sharing! I'm so happy you enjoyed playing and SO happy you enjoyed Akello, he's such a gentle giant and I'm always on the lookout for characters like that!
im so stuck between buying the mori dakimura or not.. like...its a need not a want.
Lesson learned: next time i do a kickstarter i need to budget for the fact i'm going to desperately want my own merch orz
I feel your pain. I must put the nasty cat man in my bed.
I just played through all of these <333 I honestly love all three characters and the worldbuilding and designs. My favorite is def Akello but honestly all three of them won my heart by the end. Really fantastic descriptions and pacing throughout as well. I felt each storyline did a good job of both setting up the character and establishing why would they would be willing to have sex with the protag under the circumstances (obviously the most important plot point).
Very excited to see the final product when it is finished!
Edit: I also have to say, loved the sound track! I just had the game playing in the background while I did work hehe.
Thank you so much for playing! Akello's been picking up a fair number of fans lately and I'm so happy to hear it! There's something about a chill, mature guy like him that makes me totally weak in the knees. Can't wait to bring you more!
OMG, that was so good, Sam - inclusive, super hot and Akello is my new husband ❤️wishlisted on steam, followed you guys on tumblr and I think I need to support your kickstarter.
THANK YOU! The support means so much and goes so far to keep the game moving through development on schedule! I'm super excited for what's coming down the line and can't wait to share more of Akello with you!
Daamn all three of them are super hot and also adorable. I'm sorta dying for more, and the game itself is really really pretty. ♡♡♡
Thank you so much! I'm excited to bring more content to yall as soon as I can!
Akello is such a sweetheart <3
I love him so much, I had a lot of fun writing a very gentle/caring character after Mori being a chaotic goblin and Amir being incredibly spiky and dramatic lol!