Mori Chapter 1 Update!

Besides story content, here's some additional things that got updated!

  •  Added notifications for when you reach a chapter selection bookmark
  • New backgrounds, sfx, and music tracks
  • Clamped how far font size and vertical spacing adjustment can go so players can't make the GUI un-navigatable on accident
  • Implemented custom font styles for each customizable font choice for more consistent quality across all of them
  • Added brief gamepad/controller tutorials for some custom mapping and features that will pop up upon your first time through the prologue and are dependent on what input device is detected
  • Fixed resolution issue on the Steamdeck that caused ugly jagged lines
  • Restructured code to ensure selecting chapters from the chapter menu dovetails correctly into the storyline instead of completing and taking you back to the main menu without moving to the next part.
  • Added Discord Rich Presence. If you are logged into Discord, you will now see "Playing TCM" statuses in your user profile that change based on various parts of the story when you are in-game.
  • There is an option to toggle this off in the Options menu!
  • Updated the Help and About screens to match the rest of the GUI
  • Adjusted the notification popup frame to be prettier
  • Added new patrons to the Credits (thank yall!)
  • Typographical/Text Styling adjustments

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